Dequindre Estate Trailer Park Shooting: Multiple people injured, active shooter at Splash Pad, Spencer Park in Rochester Hills, MI

Dequindre Estate Trailer Park Shooting: An active shooter at Splash Pad, Spencer Park in Rochester Hills, MI. According to reports, people had a shooting around the cornor at the Splash Pad on Aburn Rd. The police have the enterance to my park Dequindre Estates blocked must be at least 20 of them.

Police Investigate Shooting Threat At Dequindre Estate Trailer Park?

It’s crazy over here by me. They had a shooting around the cornor at the Splash Pad on Aburn Rd. The cops have the enterance to my park Dequindre Estates blocked must be at least 20 of them. They are out walking around looking for this shooter. They believe he lives in here. They are telling us here to go inside and Lock your doors. Prayers they find this person before anyone else is hurt.

Updates And Police Investigations

  • 6/15 5:11pm Rochester Hills- Splash Pad at Brooklyns Park Plaza on E Auburn Rd, Shooting
  • 5:12 Reports of an active shooter at the splash pad at Spencer Park
  • 5:13 PD nearby and on scene, confirm several people have been shot
  • 5:15 Shooter has fled the scene, witnesses got a getaway vehicle description
  • 5:17 Several people shot, varying levels of injuries
  • 5:20 PD report they have recovered a handgun and 3 empty magazines
  • 5:25 Will need several EMS rigs, there are 6-7 people injured including children as young as 8 years old
  • 5:45 Evidence left behind at the scene, was indicating ID of the shooter
  • 5:51 Sending PD to the address of the suspect, less than 1/2 mile from splash pad
  • 5:55 PD confirm the vehicle there matches what witnesses described as the suspect vehicle
  • 6:01 PD giving commands to the subject to exit the home, no response
  • 6:15 1 person taken into surgery, survived and in recovery
  • 7:20 Press Conference Update; Exact patient count and extent of injuries are TBD
  • 7:23 Complete random act; subject exited vehicle, shot into the splash pad. Reloaded 3 times, firing at least 28 times
  • 7:30 Suspect is contained to the address, PD obtaining search warrant to enter the home
  • 7:35 Home is surrounded by PD and tactical teams and equipment
  • 8:10 Appears the suspect is in a home within Dequindre Estates Trailer Park off Hamlin and Dequindre Rd
  • 8:31 Newest updates says as many as 10 people shot and injured
  • 8:51 Shelter in place orders for area residents has been lifted, PD remain at suspects home