Liam Jolley Louisiana Death: Disney World Tips and Tricks, Tina Cato-Jolley mourns
Liam Jolley Louisiana Death: Disney World Tips and Tricks, Tina Cato-Jolley mourns

Liam Jolley Louisiana Death: Disney World Tips and Tricks, Tina Cato-Jolley mourns

Liam Jolley Louisiana Death: Liam Jolley of Bossier City, Louisiana has died. Liam loved Mickey Mouse Hot Dog Song. Tina Cato-Jolley, Liam’s grandmother was planing a trip to Disneyworld for Liam and her children before his sudden death.

Tina Cato-Jolley wrote in a social media post ”I had to change my Disneyworld trip for September to February. I had a wonderful trip planned with my two wonderful sons and my sweet daughter-in-law. It was the trip that I dreamed of….me, my children and my precious grandson, Liam. A trip I was soooo excited for. I wanted him to see and meet Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh. Oh, I would sing the Winnie The Pooh song to him….that was our song, however he loves the Mickey Mouse Hot Dog Song. 99 days and we would have been on our way, but God had other plans.

I have a precious friend who is going to make us pixie dust bags to pass out. Liam’s birthday is in January, so we are doing this trip because of that. I would love to do some special things in my BooBoo’s memory, so what have you done that I can do for him, me, and his mommy and daddy. I am going to bring a picture of him, so he will be included in our pictures and I am also going to have a shirt made for him and get a stuff Winnie the Pooh to put it on. I am sorry for a long post, but I want to make this special for his memory and for us who love him so very much. Thank you for your input.”


”I am so sorry for your families huge loss ! I too have lost a child. I would get a matt for inside a picture frame and have the characters sign it. And then put Liam’s picture in it. Or your family picture that you take with Pooh or Mickey. Or get two. One for mom and Dad with Mickey and one for you with Pooh. I’d also buy a Mickey balloon and give it to a child that is the same age your Liam. It will be a wonderful trip.” Halla

”Oh my gosh, my heart breaks for you. But I am brightened by the fact that you are looking to keep his memory alive and that you want to keep living life!! I think the biggest gift you can give each other is to be present. You’re all going to really be feeling things. Give each other grace and kindness more than ever because it can be a stressful time. I would encourage you to choose an ornament he would have loved and have his name added to it. You can do this at Ye Old Christmas Shoppe in Magic Kingdom. I would also stop in the gift shop at the end of the Winnie the Pooh ride to pick up something special. If you’re a family that was considering doing matching shirts or such, maybe look into doing themed attire of his favorite characters—a different one each day.
Take lots of photos too! Normally I tell people they don’t need to purchase Memory Maker but I would in your instance. Make sure everyone is linked together and look in the app to find as many shots as you can. Also, bring something small of his to include his spirit in your photos!” Amanda

”So sorry for your loss…so heart-breaking. Liam will be with you in spirit, and how wonderful you will keep his memory alive for your trip. How magical it will be for you and your family knowing Liam is there with you. A picture of just Pooh holding Liam’s picture and Pooh with his shirt would be heartwarming. Hugs to you” Davidson